◊ Have you ever needed to know the size of something in the clipboard? Well, here comes ClipInfo to the rescue! ClipInfo shows you the size and type of everything in the clipboard. If you can copy it to the clipboard, ClipInfo can show you the size of it! ClipInfo is an application, so there's no worry about conflicts. System 7 users should place ClipInfo in the Apple Menu Items folder (in the System folder.) ClipInfo will then be available as an Apple Menu Item, from any of your favorite applications. ◊ Usage Note: If you frequently work with large pictures, you may want to increase the memory allocated to the ClipInfo application. (From the Finder, select the ClipInfo icon then choose Get Info from the File Menu.) Otherwise, ClipInfo may not be able to show a preview of the item in the Display area. ClipInfo is Shareware! Try it for a reasonable period of time, but if you find yourself using it, please pay the modest Shareware fee of $8. I designed ClipInfo for my own use, but I think you'll find it very handy also. PS> Please notice that this ReadMe file was created with another Shareware program of mine, called Pageboy™. Pageboy creates beautiful multiple-page documents with Pictures, Text, Sound, and HotLinks. Look for Pageboy on all the major networks, or send $22 and I'll send you a copy on disk. Rustle Laidman PO BOX 39A76◊ Los Angeles, CA 90039 USA